Sunday, December 25, 2011

Problem solving techniques (Cont.)

In this post i will complete the post Problem solving techniques


Backtracking is a refinement of the brute force approach, which systematically searches for a solution to a problem among all available options. It does so by assuming that the solutions are represented by vectors (v1, ..., vm) of values and by traversing, in a depth first manner, the domains of the vectors until the solutions are found. 

When invoked, the algorithm starts with an empty vector. At each stage it extends the partial vector with a new value. Upon reaching a partial vector (v1, ..., vi) which can’t represent a partial solution, the algorithm backtracks by removing the trailing value from the vector, and then proceeds by trying to extend the vector with alternative values. 

Graph Algorithms

Representing a graph

Array representation

The basic concept is to have a 2 dimensional array of integers, where the element in row i, at column j represents the edge cost from node i to j. If the connection from i to j is not possible, we use some sort of sentinel value (usually a very large or small value, like -1 or the maximum integer). Another nice thing about this type of structure is that we can represent directed or undirected edges very easily.

So for example, the following connection matrix:

    A  B  C
A   0  1  5
B  -1  0  1
C  -1 -1  0

Would mean that node A has a 0 weight connection to itself, a 1 weight connection to node B and 5 weight connection to node C. Node B on the other hand has no connection to node A, a 0 weight connection to itself, and a 1 weight connection to C. Node C is connected to nobody. This graph would look like this if you were to draw it:

This representation is very convenient for graphs that do not have multiple edges between each node, and allows us to simplify working with the graph.

Adjacency list

In this representation the graph can be represented as a big list of nodes, each node can be represented as a structure that holds data section and a list of indicies (Indicies of the childs).

structure node
   vector<int> childs;

vector<node> graph;

Searching a graph

Depth first search

The depth first search is well geared towards problems where we want to find any solution to the problem (not necessarily the shortest path), or to visit all of the nodes in the graph.

The basic concept is to visit a node, then push all of the nodes to be visited onto the stack. To find the next node to visit we simply pop a node of the stack, and then push all the nodes connected to that one onto the stack as well and we continue doing this until all nodes are visited. It is a key property of the Depth First search that we not visit the same node more than once, otherwise it is quite possible that we will recurse infinitely. We do this by marking the node as we visit it, then unmarking it after we have finished our recursions. This action allows us to visit all the paths that exist in a graph; however for large graphs this is mostly infeasible so we sometimes omit the marking the node as not visited step to just find one valid path through the graph (which is good enough most of the time).

So the basic structure will look something like this:

dfs(node start) {
 stack s;
 while (s.empty() == false) {
  top =;
  mark top as visited;

  check for termination condition

  add all of top's unvisited neighbors to the stack.
  mark top as not visited;
Alternatively we can define the function recursively as follows:
dfs(node current) {
 mark current as visited;
 visit all of current's unvisited neighbors by calling dfs(neighbor)
 mark current as not visited;

Breadth First Search

The Breadth First search is an extremely useful searching technique. It differs from the depth-first search in that it uses a queue to perform the search, so the order in which the nodes are visited is quite different. It has the extremely useful property that if all of the edges in a graph are unweighted (or the same weight) then the first time a node is visited is the shortest path to that node from the source node. You can verify this by thinking about what using a queue means to the search order. When we visit a node and add all the neighbors into the queue, then pop the next thing off of the queue, we will get the neighbors of the first node as the first elements in the queue. This comes about naturally from the FIFO property of the queue and ends up being an extremely useful property. One thing that we have to be careful about in a Breadth First search is that we do not want to visit the same node twice, or we will lose the property that when a node is visited it is the quickest path to that node from the source.

The basic structure of a breadth first search will look this:
void bfs(node start) {
 queue s;
 while (s.empty() == false) {
  top = s.front();
  mark top as visited;

Shortest path

Dijkstra algorithm

It essentially allows you to write a Breadth First search, and instead of using a Queue you use a Priority Queue and define a sorting function on the nodes such that the node with the lowest cost is at the top of the Priority Queue. This allows us to find the best path through a graph in O(m * log(n)) time where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges in the graph. 

Graph algorithms

Maximum flow, minimum  cut problem

In this problem we are given a directed graph, in which every edge has a certain capacity c associated with it, a starting vertex (the source, X in the example above), and an ending vertex (the sink). We are asked to associate another value f satisfying f ≤ c for each edge such that for every vertex other than the source and the sink, the sum of the values associated to the edges that enter it must equal the sum of the values associated to the edges that leave it. We will call f the flow along that edge. Furthermore, we are asked to maximize the sum of the values associated to the arcs leaving the source, which is the total flow in the network. 

Now how do we actually solve the problem? First, let us define two basic concepts for understanding flow networks: residual networks and augmenting paths. Consider an arbitrary flow in a network. The residual network has the same vertices as the original network, and one or two edges for each edge in the original. More specifically, if the flow along the edge x-y is less than the capacity there is a forward edge x-y with a capacity equal to the difference between the capacity and the flow (this is called the residual capacity), and if the flow is positive there is a backward edge y-x with a capacity equal to the flow on x-y. An augmenting path is simply a path from the source to the sink in the residual network, whose purpose is to increase the flow in the original one. It is important to understand that the edges in this path can point the "wrong way" according to the original network. The path capacity of a path is the minimum capacity of an edge along that path.

The algorithm starts with no flow everywhere and increase the total flow in the network while there is an augmenting path from the source to the sink with no full forward edges or empty backward edges - a path in the residual network. The algorithm (known as the Ford-Fulkerson method) is guaranteed to terminate: due to the capacities and flows of the edges being integers and the path-capacity being positive, at each step we get a new flow that is closer to the maximum. As a side note, the algorithm isn't guaranteed to even terminate if the capacities are irrationals.

Now we are done with the theoretical part of studying algorithms. Example problems

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